Too technical......
Sebenarnya, hasil pemerhatian aku.... org biz ni x perlu sijil yg berjela2. Tapi mesti perlu tau mana nak cari... apa yg dikehendaki.
Cthnya; too supply computers......300 bijik. Bg org teknikal yg pasti memikirkan about spec... how to comply. But actually dlm biz, dia akan ambil spec tu submit kpd supplier(ini yg penting..utk dpt servis, harga bagus) then fikir bagaimana nak finance projek tu. Then finally how to collect the money.... betul tak!!!!!
But being a technical guy, u really have advantages compared to normally bizman.... really2 I mean it. Why... HOWw... will write later.
ko nak venture jadi bisnesmen ka, brader.?!
Sempena minyak d jumpai d Sarawak... apa boleh buat bro